Domestic Violence and Divorce
Navigating life is hard enough especially when you are doing so after moving on from an abusive relationship. Often a survivor finds that the very last hold an abuser can claim is that of the bonds of matrimony. Although divorce law has remained relatively true to the protection of property interests first, we have seen some evolution in the minimal requirements to break those marital ties when property is not at issue. The two most often used grounds for divorce are the consensual divorce, where both parties agree to the dissolution of the marriage, and the separate and apart claim where both parties have lived their lives separated for a substantial period of time. Both of these options come with caveats that often hinder a smooth transition into total freedom when one party refuses to agree just to be spiteful. Recently, an entirely new section was added to the divorce code which has proven to be uniquely essential to our clientele. Section 3301(c)(...