Another "Successful" Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Transitions is happy to report that we we were able to take part in this year's Sexual Assault Awareness Month campaign. 

We participated in at least 6 Health Fairs and Community Events, distributed hundreds of coasters/brochures/tagged lollipops/other materials, posted several articles/links to our Facebook page and blog, and joined Susquehanna University in collaboration on their newly formed Sexual Assault Task Force.

We were able to reach hundreds, if not thousands, of people in our communities. At just one health fair Transitions received compliments from individuals and agencies alike, heard personal stories of how Transitions was able to help that individual standing before us, their friend, co-worker, or family member, and received several requests for further information, training, or outreach programs, including a request to present programs at a summer camp for clients of a local foster care/counseling agency. Several agencies also offered to provide free or reduced rate services to Transitions’ clients.
Here at Transitions, every month makes us aware of sexual assault victims.  We provide services to victims and survivors every day of the year, no matter what color (teal or otherwise!) we are wearing.  We hope that during April, you were able to take small moments to learn how to support victims, to help children who disclose, and to be a better community member in an area that is trying to realize a future without sexual violence. 
Submitted by Tara R., Sexual Assault Awareness Month Chairperson



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