Flashback Feminist Fridays

Today, it is widely recognized that discrimination of any kind is wrong.  Race, color, creed, sex, national origin, or handicaps are all protected classes under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Advertising and attitudes have come a long way since that time, but it is important to remember how recently (not even 50 years yet!) our foremothers fought for women’s rights.

Every Friday, as time allows, we will post something to inspire, remind, or ponder relating to feminism, and specifically how far we have come, and how far we have yet to go.

Below is a picture from a Little Golden Book, The Good Humor Man, published in 1964.  (Copyright protected.)

It was not so long ago, that women belonged in the kitchen, only men did outside work, and all of it was as natural as a dog chewing a bone.


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