
Showing posts from November, 2014

Rewriting a Well-Written Article

Yesterday, The New York Times published an expose about the relationships that NFL teams have with local law enforcement and how these relationships may leave domestic violence victims without adequate protection.  I highly recommend reading this article.  It examines on e such case in Florida where the abuser/player was allowed to exit through a rear door to avoid reporters, was given a ride from the station, to the team training complex, then to his (and the victim's) residence to gather some belongings.  All this while being escorted by an off-duty law enforcement officer, still in uniform, and operating an unmarked car, which could have been property of the officer or the department.   One of the exercises that bloggers can utilize is to re-write an insensitive or offensive article in the manner you wish the author would have.  I obviously do not believe myself to be a superior writer to Steve Eder, of The New York Times, but I would like to take this...

Economic Empowerment Course for Survivors of Domestic Violence

Are you a survivor of domestic violence looking to gain more skills in personal financial management? Join us for the Allstate Foundation's "Moving Ahead through Financial Management" course! Click the photo or visit our website at  for more information.

National Hotline Statistics Released

Every year, Transitions participates in the National Domestic Violence Hotline survey, in which we report back the volume and content (in topic only) of the hotline calls we receive.  Below are the finding of that survey, both nationally and in Pennsylvania.   To view the content larger, feel free to press the control button and the plus sign, found on your numerical pad or to the left of the backspace button, at the same time.  To return your screen to its original size, press control and the zero button at the same time.

Transitions recognizes Evangelical Community Hospital SANE Program during Forensic Nurse Week

November 11, 2014 -Transitions joins in the celebration of Forensic Nurses week, along with the International Association of Forensic Nurses—a nursing association representing more than 3,300 registered nurses and other professionals in 22 countries—that organizes Forensic Nurses Week to celebrate the accomplishments and dedication of professionals in the field as well as raise awareness about the importance of their work. Forensic Nurses Week, celebrated this year from Nov. 10 to 14, has a theme of “Leadership. Care. Expertise.” The week is celebrated internationally though awareness events in local communities and education efforts to teach colleagues about the forensic nursing practice. Forensic nurses all over the world wear lilac (the designated color of forensic nursing) to mark the week. Forensic nurses provide specialized care for patients who are victims of sexual assault. These healthcare professionals are nurses first, but have knowledge of the legal system and expe...

Best Practices In Notifying College Students

Colleges and universities in the United States are required to disclose information about crimes committed on and around campus, as pursuant to Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.   One of our staff members received the following message from Millersville University . "It is estimated that nationwide 20 percent of women and six percent of college men experience sexual assault or attempted sexual assault during their college years.  Data reveal nearly 50 percent of transgender people experience sexual violence.  No matter the demographic, the most common type of sexual assault is not committed by a stranger but by someone known to the victim, typically a date or other acquaintance. There are risk factors associated with sexual assault, about which it may be useful to be aware, but being at risk in no way shifts responsibility for sexual assault to a victim/survivor.  Studies of sexual assault show a high ...

Consider supporting Transitions through AmazonSmile!

It's holiday shopping time already!  If you shop on Amazon, consider supporting Transitions. Go to  and select Transitions of PA. 0.5% of the price of eligible items purchased is donated to us. What a great way to help Transitions without any cost to you!