Forensic Nurses Week

November 09 - 13, 2015 is Forensic Nurses Week – designated to celebrate the work of forensic nurses worldwide. Do you know a forensic nurse? Do you know what they do? Evangelical Community Hospital in Lewisburg, PA has 6!

During Forensic Nurses Week, we take this opportunity to express our gratitude for the work of our local Forensic Nurses, otherwise known to many as SANE nurses-Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners. In addition to collecting physical evidence for the special ‘kit’ these specially trained nurses conduct a forensic interview, provide victims with professional and compassionate care, and ensure a secure chain of evidence between the hospital and law enforcement. These caring nurses are often the first person to say, “It’s not your fault” and to support individuals to become survivors.

Having trained forensic nurses in our community provides many benefits. To victims they provide early reassurance that the assault was not their fault, prophylactic treatment for STDs, referrals for HIV testing, preservation of evidence, links to advocates like Transitions, and even testimony in criminal proceedings. Our SANE nurses also lend their knowledge and expertise to colleagues and other patients coming through the ER, encouraging referrals to Transitions, and recommending effective documentation of injuries from domestic violence incidents or other crimes. This small group of nurses does all this for victims/survivors, who are adolescents (age 14 or above), men, and women, including people who are incarcerated. As the SANE program continues to grow at Evangelical Community Hospital, we are hopeful that one day soon they will also be able to serve children as Pediatric Certified Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE-P).

For over 20 years Evangelical Community Hospital has supported a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program through their Emergency Department. Since inception of the program in 1994, participation has doubled from three to six nurses, who participate in an on-call schedule to provide prompt comprehensive services to victims of sexual assault. Adults and adolescents from around the region can go to Evangelical Community Hospital, knowing that a trained nurse will respond quickly to conduct a comprehensive exam, ensuring preservation of evidence and subsequently an individual’s right to take time to think about making a report to the police. These special forensic nurses collaborate with law enforcement and advocates from Transitions to ensure individuals receive appropriate care and begin their journey to becoming survivors.  From the staff at Transitions and your community… THANK-YOU to our local forensic nurses: Rachel, Hannah, Marcy, Jessie, Hannah and Anne!

Pictured from left to right: Susan Mathias, CEO, Transitions of PA; Rachel Gordner, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, Evangelical Community Hospital; and Tara Rau, Medical/Legal Advocate, Transitions of PA

Written by Tara R., Medical/Legal Advocate


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