Medical Advocacy Project

The purpose of the Medical Advocacy Program is to support the development, implementation or enhancement of domestic violence medical advocacy projects in the Commonwealth which would assist in the implementation of domestic violence policies and procedures as well as provide training for health care workers to improve hospital, health center and clinic response to domestic violence victims seeking medical treatment.

In FY 2015-2016, Transitions of PA was awarded this grant from the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV).  Our work plan includes the development and implementation of training to medical professionals in Union, Snyder and Northumberland Counties on the topics of domestic violence/interpersonal violence, human trafficking and traumatic brain injury.  Domestic violence victims who present to a medical facility must, first and foremost, be identified.  Universal screening procedures have been implemented at local medical facilities and hospitals; however, additional training is being provided to enhance procedures.

The Evangelical Community Hospital has signed a MOU for Transitions to implement the work plan at their hospital.  Sunbury Community Hospital and Shamokin-Geisinger has given permission to start the training process.

The first step of trainings are focusing on  procedures to be implemented to make an immediate referral to Transitions of PA for an advocate to come to the hospital to provide support, information, referrals, options,  safety planning and access other services, such as emergency shelter.  Medical care staff is being trained in universal screening procedures, Transitions of PA’s services, confidentiality, domestic violence and interpersonal violence (IPV). The second step is training on human trafficking and traumatic brain injury in order to provide improved services to victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. 

A coordinated community response in the health care setting through the formation of a response team at each hospital will be established. This team will be responsible for the review, update and adoption of a uniform multidisciplinary domestic violence policy and procedure for the Emergency Departments to screen patients for domestic violence and IPV.  

Written by: Patti S., County Coordinator


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