Transitions Announces 4th Annual Teen Dating Violence Video Contest
Transitions of PA is pleased to announce the Fourth Annual Teen Dating Violence Video Contest for high school students attending public or home schools in Northumberland, Snyder, or Union Counties. Students are asked to create a brief video focused on teen dating violence awareness and ending dating abuse for a chance to win cash prizes. The contest is hosted by Transition of PA. Founded in 1975, Transitions provides an array of free and confidential services to victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and all other serious crimes. Offering awareness and prevention education, medical and legal advocacy as well as confidential individual, family or group counseling, and professional training sessions, Transitions knows that violence and abuse do not just affect women and girls. It affects those who care about them, their families, their friends, their coworkers, and their communities. Teen Dating Violence is defined as physical, sexual, mental, verbal or emotional...