Teal Is the New Black
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and Transitions has been busy making sure everyone knows it! Our committee spent much of March calling boroughs in Union, Snyder, and Northumberland Counties to get permission to post teal ribbons in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Lewisburg's downtown is now festive, with ribbons on parking meters from Hufnagle Park to 2nd St. Milton's downtown is also sporting festive teal ribbons. Look closely, as some of the ribbons have cards attached with information about Sexual Assault. Here is what they say:
Healthy Sexuality...
...is consensual and respectful. ...is free from coercion and violence. ...contributes positively to self esteem and relationships with other people.
Internet? Facebook? Photos, names, addresses, phone numbers, school name and/or activities are all "clues" for sexual predators to find you.
Sexting? Photos sent to a friend or posted online can not be "unsent." Would you want these photos on the cafeteria wall?
Knowledge = Power
The more information someone has about healthy sexuality, the more likely they are to identify sexual abuse or violence when it occurs.
Consent means...
...permission for something to happen or agreement to do something. A person, who has used or been given drugs or alcohol, cannot consent to sexual activity.
Who can be a victim?
Men, Women, Children, Elderly, Heterosexual, Homosexual, Wealthy, Poor, Family, Friend, Stranger, Neighbor, Coworker, Someone with a disability.... They can also be a survivor!
SANE-Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner
Evangelical Community Hospital offers the only SANE Program in Northumberland, Snyder, and Union Counties. Specially trained nurses collect evidence, which can be stored, allowing time for individuals to decide whether or not to report to the police. Nurses can also give testimony in later judicial proceedings.
Let's be part of a community that supports sexual assault victims and encourages them to become survivors!
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